Saturday, November 01, 2008

Stolen/gone missing.

When egressing the front door this morning I noticed something missing, only the chair and rope was still there.

Buddy is in the center of the picture at right.

Buddy is about 5 feet tall, has a white complexion, not much hair on his head, wearing black & yellow sweater, blue and white check scarf, black track pants and has gloves on his hands and is shoeless.

Anyone spotting buddy should not be in fear, he looks fearfull but is quite harmless, call 555 555 for an assistant to come pick him up.

To whoever took buddy, your an asshole.


Shammickite said...

I think I saw buddy sunning himself on the beach yesterday. He was probably fed up with your cold weather in Nain and wanted to experience some Florida sunshine.

BTW that's a really cute yellow and black Halloween bug that Fran's holding!

Anonymous said...

So that's the quiet weird guy that was sitting across from me on the flight the other day....hope he enjoyed his vacation...

dannytoro1 said...

I think he just filled a Williams cabinet vacancy.

Old Brooktrout said...

I think I saw that guy at a McCain/Palin rally in Wasilla, Alaska. He's dressed for it anyway.

Brian said...

Palin/McCain, what’s that? Some sort of retro northern punk band or sum’n?

Palin/McCain, what’s that? Some sort of retro northern punk band or sum’n?

It’s obama obama o o bama o o bama banana banana yadda yadda yadda