Back when I was between 11 and 13 years old my parents had two plots of land, the corner lot was for our new home and the next door lot we planted vegetables.
We had corn, tomatoes, cucumber, pumpkin [boy for a Queensland Blue now], rock melon [cantaloupe], water melon and a few other things that slip my mind.
It was my job to water the plot, prior to the house being built this meant a one mile walk to and thro every second day, or in the case of my bike being workable, cycling.
Back in those days there were always water restrictions, as there is today coincidently, so this meant I either had to use a hose with a cloth wrapped around the end [to control the flow] or in the case of sever water restrictions use two buckets.
The water spout was on the lot destined for the house, so this meant many many trips back and forth to the other lot.
I had to make sure that each plant received a sufficient amount of water to keep them alive, not an easy task in the hot south/western suburbs of Sydney.
Most of the stuff we grew needed lots of water, at least two buckets, especially the tomatoes, pumpkin and the melons.
So you ask what this has got to do with anything Labrador. Well not much except to show I know my vegetables and melons.
Speaking of melons, the other day I was in one of the stores, I noticed a lone melon sitting in an almost empty vegetable shelf.
Now as a rule I have not eaten melons of any type for many years, the taste of the ones we get up here do nothing for my taste buds. Plus it was unusual to see a whole melon; usually they are cut into sections and sold that way. Any way I go up and glance at the price tag on the melon, it read $55.00 and change.
Maybe if it was an outrages price for a zucchini or a leek I may have followed up on it, but being a little busy with other things I noted to file and moved on.
Yesterday afternoon I come in from a trip to the store and there is a message on our machine, it was from a media type asking if I could rush down to said store and get a picture of the said 55 buck melon for their afternoon show.
melon was gone.
But some one did get a picture.
This is not the first time a melon had an incorrect price sticker on it at the same store. Last summer some one I know bought a water melon for $38.00. Later the manager reimbursed the person as the sticker price was incorrect. Coincidentally 38 bucks is the price the store manager is saying is the correct price for the latest melon, given the situation of subsidies and such I would say that is over priced as well.
I hear melons are going for about $10 in Goose Bay. With a mark up of say 100% that means the cost of shipping one melon is around $35.00 at at the $55.00 melon and $18.00 for the $38.00 melon, some subsidy boy for somebody, sure not the consumer, eh?
So perhaps a lonely melon will generate the fury needed to get the follow up on food pricing up this way that I have been advocating for for so long, if it does so be it.
Later: I know I was awake when I head
this on the radio, perchance a medal flood? What ever, they do deserve better than lots of the criticism being bandied about.
That said, Canada does deed to have a discussion on where the Olympic programs are going, or not going. And how about that Canadian shot putter, missed a bronze by what? 5 cm. he was very gracious in the post event interview.