Friday, April 27, 2007

Bits n pieces.

What an uplifting story this is. This sort of community spirit as on the wane most places, Google ‘gated communities’, kudos to these people in Shea Heights.

Then there is this one that is really worrying. I do not know if your man did wrong or not, but for the court to rule this way seems absurd, and down right dangerous to democracy.

I am led to believe that this town already had a ‘food service’ business, wonder how that small business person feels. Let’s see, if they can get 4,000 couple to come home, at $100,000 a pop that comes to $400,000,000.00. Not bad value, maybe the feds can cost share.

I did hear some good news on our hydro bills via Yvonne Jones this morning. Interviewed on CBC HV-GB Miss Jones said that the government subsidy for diesel generated hydro communities will mean a KWA reduction of about 4 cents on the first 700 KWH in summer and the first 1000 KWH in winter. The current rate is 8.935 cents. Nice little saving if her math a correct and it covers all the communities not just the ones in her ridding. This from the budget:$8 million over 5 years ($1.6 million annually) for an electricity rebate for homeowners using diesel generated power in rural isolated communities along the Labrador coast;

After that good news there is continuing conflicting amounts bandied about, and time frames continually change, on the chip seal start on stage1 of the TLH. This from the budget:$17 million for construction of Phase III of the Trans Labrador Highway and $15 million (cost-shared with federal government) to provide a sealed surface on Phase I of the Trans Labrador Highway. It has gone from 20 million [cost shared] over five years to this, and that is discounting the conflicting information from feds and Province about time frame and who is doing what to whom. I have some suggestions about what they could do to each other, wink wink, nudge nudge.

I am really not looking forward to the time [overdue already] to when the replacement ships file for the Labrador North Coast gets to the main table.
Finely to brighten up the weekend, [for me anyway] a circa 1980 [give or take] picture of the most compassionate understanding leader, not to mention the first female leader, of an Aboriginal political group in Labrador and Newfoundland.

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