Tuesday, January 23, 2007

News updates.

The charge of three VBNC strikers seems frivolous and unnecessary. Most likely the big bad multi national flexing it’s puny muscles, or thinks it is. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/newfoundland-labrador/story/2007/01/23/voiseys-blockade.html
From what was reported at the time of the blockade, the three individuals ceased their blockade as soon as they received official notification from their union HQ.

The nice little bit of history and a view into the future by Mike Johansen is right on. The powers that be do not want to look at what is a best combination, they just want to run the service into the ground, then say, “looky looky, it’s not working, we are subsidizing you, oh lordy lordy we can’t do that”.
I took a few trips on the mv Taverner; it ran in tandem with the mv Bonavista at the time. They ran out of Lewisport on a two week rotation to Nain. The Taverner was smaller but quite comfortable. Those were the days of good service, maybe it could have been improved, but compared to what the NL government supplies today it was the bee’s knees.

No link, but the power outage in Hopedale I wrote on has finely received some air time on CBC radio. The emergency back up generator is Goose Bay waiting to be flown in. A local business person is complaining about the outage, Hydros handling of the issue, as well as the community governments handling of the issue. The regional manager for Hydro is due in to Hopedale today for talks with community.

Oh yeah; I have most of the snow cleared, just waiting for the next dump on Thursday or, before.

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