Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Yesterday was quite nice weather wise, at least that’s what everybody I came across told me. But really it was, cloudy with light snow off and on all day, temperatures between -17 and -15, no wind.
I had several runs down to the air strip, one a dry run expecting some people, only to have a no show. This time the no shows had the where-with-all [much appreciated] to call from GB airport and explain the delay; they arrived on a freight plane just before dusk.
The other run was to pick up a box via UPS sent by Canadian Tire.
I have gone into the high cost of mailing packages large and small before, this one mentioned above is puzzling, in a nice sort of way. I ordered 3 items [not heavy] from Canadian Tire. All items were from an online flyer and reduced in price, one item quite dramatically.
So when I check out the freight charges are just 17 bucks and change, and get this, via UPS [the brown truck]. So cynical me says, “yeah right, won’t see these items any time soon”.
Lo and behold I get an e mail the other day stating that my order had been processed and given a tracking #. Only thing was it only had one of the items listed as being shipped [Cynicism 1].
Then yesterday the nice lady at Air Labrador calls to say I have a UPS package. [Optimism 1]. Down I goes and picks it up. But, the item listed in the e mail is not in the package, it’s the two other items and no sign of the third. [Confusion 100].
So I wait now to see what happens with the third item, hopefully it will arrive in tact and for only the 17 bucks and change for the two packages.
This just adds to the confusion regarding the whole area of freight in and out of remote places. I heard that the issue was raised at the Combined Councils meeting here last week, both by the new leadership of CCL and the MP for Labrador Todd Russell. I do believe that my research on Canada Post was used in the cause.
I must thank Wil down the Pacific for his kind words and link to here.
See Wil at Paradise Driver, bottom middle of page. I check Wil and Man of Lettuce every day. Both give a great account of the human psychic/+ and -. Both also remind me [their stories, not them] of why I can’t go back to whence I came. The pictures Wil puts up are quite the stuff.
I had several runs down to the air strip, one a dry run expecting some people, only to have a no show. This time the no shows had the where-with-all [much appreciated] to call from GB airport and explain the delay; they arrived on a freight plane just before dusk.
The other run was to pick up a box via UPS sent by Canadian Tire.
I have gone into the high cost of mailing packages large and small before, this one mentioned above is puzzling, in a nice sort of way. I ordered 3 items [not heavy] from Canadian Tire. All items were from an online flyer and reduced in price, one item quite dramatically.
So when I check out the freight charges are just 17 bucks and change, and get this, via UPS [the brown truck]. So cynical me says, “yeah right, won’t see these items any time soon”.
Lo and behold I get an e mail the other day stating that my order had been processed and given a tracking #. Only thing was it only had one of the items listed as being shipped [Cynicism 1].
Then yesterday the nice lady at Air Labrador calls to say I have a UPS package. [Optimism 1]. Down I goes and picks it up. But, the item listed in the e mail is not in the package, it’s the two other items and no sign of the third. [Confusion 100].
So I wait now to see what happens with the third item, hopefully it will arrive in tact and for only the 17 bucks and change for the two packages.
This just adds to the confusion regarding the whole area of freight in and out of remote places. I heard that the issue was raised at the Combined Councils meeting here last week, both by the new leadership of CCL and the MP for Labrador Todd Russell. I do believe that my research on Canada Post was used in the cause.
I must thank Wil down the Pacific for his kind words and link to here.
See Wil at Paradise Driver, bottom middle of page. I check Wil and Man of Lettuce every day. Both give a great account of the human psychic/+ and -. Both also remind me [their stories, not them] of why I can’t go back to whence I came. The pictures Wil puts up are quite the stuff.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
$ Day #2 has arrived
The day many have been looking forward to has arrived.
Nunatsiavut Beneficiaries [NB] aged 26 to 50 each will receive $5,000.00. NB 50 and up received their payout last year, the younger group, 26 down to 16 will receive theirs at a future date.
Many business’s will be busy, busy, get it while it lasts.
For the uninitiated, the five grand per NB is a payout [or other] for participating in the democratic process and partaking in the vote for the Nunatsiavut self government deal.
Up date: I dumbucked [made a mistake]. The big payout day is tomorrow [avrio in Greek] not today, all the days a welding into one, hard to keep track with all this excitement, all will turn out OK [endaxi in Greek].
Why the Greek? that’s Greek to me too, or maybe I’m having flashbacks to 1978 and my many months in Paxos.
Further a field: Those who bad mouthed Jack Layton and others for suggesting talks with the bad people may have some eggy faces after this
Less a field: Thank Yahweh that DS had the foresight to start his tour in St.John’s. The uproar would have been heard all the way to the melting Antarctic if he had started his coast to coast tour in Halifax.
Nunatsiavut Beneficiaries [NB] aged 26 to 50 each will receive $5,000.00. NB 50 and up received their payout last year, the younger group, 26 down to 16 will receive theirs at a future date.
Many business’s will be busy, busy, get it while it lasts.
For the uninitiated, the five grand per NB is a payout [or other] for participating in the democratic process and partaking in the vote for the Nunatsiavut self government deal.
Up date: I dumbucked [made a mistake]. The big payout day is tomorrow [avrio in Greek] not today, all the days a welding into one, hard to keep track with all this excitement, all will turn out OK [endaxi in Greek].
Why the Greek? that’s Greek to me too, or maybe I’m having flashbacks to 1978 and my many months in Paxos.
Further a field: Those who bad mouthed Jack Layton and others for suggesting talks with the bad people may have some eggy faces after this
Less a field: Thank Yahweh that DS had the foresight to start his tour in St.John’s. The uproar would have been heard all the way to the melting Antarctic if he had started his coast to coast tour in Halifax.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Better days yon.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
It’s looking like the day draws near when we will be saying; Danny bloody who?
“Need to attract overseas workers indeed”.
Who does this deiform think he is?
I know who I think he is, a Brian Tobin with money. Sure boy he is proving that more and more of late. Just like Tobin; the more Danny talks extempore, the more he looks like a ninny hammer.
So howz the Prince of Vim n Vinegar going to explain this one to the seraphic habitancy, won’t be so exoteric after this lot will eh? Given the questions are asked that is.
On the up side; we don’t have [yet and thank you Yahweh] some one like the guy in DC. It’s mind blowing how fatuitous one can be and still end up leading the free world.
Maybe we need more commentary, and comments, like this from down under.
I know I know, I should go back to whence I came, been told that before so bugger off.
Butt to expand on that subject; I was thinking the same response to smoking bans in local hostelry has taken a different tack.
Maybe the ban has contributed to more bootlegging. In the absence of warm sheds, and taking into account the closeness of the community, just maybe more people are choosing to have a few in the comfort and warmth of homes. Nothing wrong with that, butt in the absence of a liquor store, just maybe enterprising souls [read bottom feeders and law breakers] are taking advantage of the situation.
It is possible that the smoking ban has also increased the consumption [in the warmth of homes] of other inhalants, ones not readily available on store shelves.
“Need to attract overseas workers indeed”.
Who does this deiform think he is?
I know who I think he is, a Brian Tobin with money. Sure boy he is proving that more and more of late. Just like Tobin; the more Danny talks extempore, the more he looks like a ninny hammer.
So howz the Prince of Vim n Vinegar going to explain this one to the seraphic habitancy, won’t be so exoteric after this lot will eh? Given the questions are asked that is.
On the up side; we don’t have [yet and thank you Yahweh] some one like the guy in DC. It’s mind blowing how fatuitous one can be and still end up leading the free world.
Maybe we need more commentary, and comments, like this from down under.
I know I know, I should go back to whence I came, been told that before so bugger off.
Butt to expand on that subject; I was thinking the same response to smoking bans in local hostelry has taken a different tack.
Maybe the ban has contributed to more bootlegging. In the absence of warm sheds, and taking into account the closeness of the community, just maybe more people are choosing to have a few in the comfort and warmth of homes. Nothing wrong with that, butt in the absence of a liquor store, just maybe enterprising souls [read bottom feeders and law breakers] are taking advantage of the situation.
It is possible that the smoking ban has also increased the consumption [in the warmth of homes] of other inhalants, ones not readily available on store shelves.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Foodie Trekker.
These shots [P Fenton] are again inside Cod Island, north of Nain. The scenery is to die for, I have been up that way in the past, and it is one of the reasons I returned for a second look at Labrador.
I cropped for esoteric reasons.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Happy Birthday to Stephanie.
Australia day is winding down down under, and just getting started up over.
I won’t be waving flags or going for a dip. I’m a bit nostalgic but mainly I feel disappointed in my birth country at the moment, one of the reasons is this
Justice sure seems slow at times, hopefully this bloke will get what is coming to him, if found guilty. But it is mainly the attitudes of too many that disturb me, not that Australia is alone with those intolerant and parochial views.
The good news is that the jolly old English are getting their come upence AGAIN at cricket.
Up here it is Family Literacy Day; Fran will be reading a book [in Inuktitut] to some children at the school. The book she chose is Borrowed Black by Ellen Obed. Also will be reading one of the stories from The People by F W Peacock.
Australia day is winding down down under, and just getting started up over.
I won’t be waving flags or going for a dip. I’m a bit nostalgic but mainly I feel disappointed in my birth country at the moment, one of the reasons is this
Justice sure seems slow at times, hopefully this bloke will get what is coming to him, if found guilty. But it is mainly the attitudes of too many that disturb me, not that Australia is alone with those intolerant and parochial views.
The good news is that the jolly old English are getting their come upence AGAIN at cricket.
Up here it is Family Literacy Day; Fran will be reading a book [in Inuktitut] to some children at the school. The book she chose is Borrowed Black by Ellen Obed. Also will be reading one of the stories from The People by F W Peacock.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Wood anyone?
For the uninitiated, this is how people get wood up here.
All good fun and hard work.
This load would sell for about $60.00 I would think, not a great return IMO. It has been cut for awhile, but still quite green, not sure where it’s from.
It was an incredibly nice day yesterday, clear, frosty, no wind. Took a run out on the ice, not a good idea considering my back, but what the heck. It was very rough, looked and felt like a white wind swept ocean, which it is, only a frozen one. It must be hard on people and machines hauling wood, and a lot are doing it.
Had a couple of trips to the airstrip; supposedly to pick up some one, had a no show.
No shortage of other folks arriving, the town filled up in the afternoon with the delegates etc for the Combined Councils Meeting. They got in just in time according to the forecast, the Kannik [snow] forecast for last night did not eventuate, but Kannivuk [it is snowing] now. Wind picking up too, I’m sure we will not make a bloody big deal out of some snow and wind like they do down the Avalon.
This is another tragedy on the Torngats of a recent era.
It may look like I’m trying to frighten people away; hopefully I’m making people aware of the dangers and the need for top notch planning and back ups, do that and all should be copasetic.
Had a couple of trips to the airstrip; supposedly to pick up some one, had a no show.
No shortage of other folks arriving, the town filled up in the afternoon with the delegates etc for the Combined Councils Meeting. They got in just in time according to the forecast, the Kannik [snow] forecast for last night did not eventuate, but Kannivuk [it is snowing] now. Wind picking up too, I’m sure we will not make a bloody big deal out of some snow and wind like they do down the Avalon.
This is another tragedy on the Torngats of a recent era.
It may look like I’m trying to frighten people away; hopefully I’m making people aware of the dangers and the need for top notch planning and back ups, do that and all should be copasetic.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
World round up.
Here are a couple of good reasons not to give the Conservatives a majority in Ottawa. Scary is not used enough to describe Harper and his gang.
I usually check out my old stamping grounds by going to most days. In summer you always get the hype about snake/spider/shark attaches.
This one via BBC is out of the ordinary for sure
Wont link the Oz papers as things have gotten out of control with the Americanization of the whole thing.
I know the area of the attach well, we used to go to that area and surf but mainly to fish. In one local there was a popular spot that attracted people who fished for sharks off a rocky point [poor mans big game fishing,] but not my cup of tea. Some huge sharks were reeled in there. Paradoxically, a popular swimming beach was only about half a mile away on the other side of the point.
Slithering back to snakes; snake bites are becoming more common. The worst drought in 100 years is forcing many animals into the built up and suburban areas looking for moister. In the last little while a number of people have been bitten by eastern brown snakes, with one death and the rest in very serious condition. Eastern browns are one of the deadliest in the world, they are also very numerous, though most don’t know this as they are shy and keep out of peoples way, unless thirsty it would seem. Another example of man reaping what he sows, eh?
This next link has potential for NL sheep growers I’d hitch my wagon to this movement if I was them. Killing lambs is not as vilified as killing seals, tastes better too imo. Thank you Baz for the link, Baz likes Resches beer, so do I.
It would be a great way to grow the industry; there are big markets in the Mediterranean countries, the antipodes, England. One would have to wean the English off mutton, but that just makes one work harder at promotion.
I can attest to the quality and taste of “local” sin john’s grown lamb, I order two every year with my freezer order.
I would now like to offer up my name as a “handler” for the first Lamb trade mission down under.
I usually check out my old stamping grounds by going to most days. In summer you always get the hype about snake/spider/shark attaches.
This one via BBC is out of the ordinary for sure
Wont link the Oz papers as things have gotten out of control with the Americanization of the whole thing.
I know the area of the attach well, we used to go to that area and surf but mainly to fish. In one local there was a popular spot that attracted people who fished for sharks off a rocky point [poor mans big game fishing,] but not my cup of tea. Some huge sharks were reeled in there. Paradoxically, a popular swimming beach was only about half a mile away on the other side of the point.
Slithering back to snakes; snake bites are becoming more common. The worst drought in 100 years is forcing many animals into the built up and suburban areas looking for moister. In the last little while a number of people have been bitten by eastern brown snakes, with one death and the rest in very serious condition. Eastern browns are one of the deadliest in the world, they are also very numerous, though most don’t know this as they are shy and keep out of peoples way, unless thirsty it would seem. Another example of man reaping what he sows, eh?
This next link has potential for NL sheep growers I’d hitch my wagon to this movement if I was them. Killing lambs is not as vilified as killing seals, tastes better too imo. Thank you Baz for the link, Baz likes Resches beer, so do I.
It would be a great way to grow the industry; there are big markets in the Mediterranean countries, the antipodes, England. One would have to wean the English off mutton, but that just makes one work harder at promotion.
I can attest to the quality and taste of “local” sin john’s grown lamb, I order two every year with my freezer order.
I would now like to offer up my name as a “handler” for the first Lamb trade mission down under.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
News updates.
The charge of three VBNC strikers seems frivolous and unnecessary. Most likely the big bad multi national flexing it’s puny muscles, or thinks it is.
From what was reported at the time of the blockade, the three individuals ceased their blockade as soon as they received official notification from their union HQ.
The nice little bit of history and a view into the future by Mike Johansen is right on. The powers that be do not want to look at what is a best combination, they just want to run the service into the ground, then say, “looky looky, it’s not working, we are subsidizing you, oh lordy lordy we can’t do that”.
I took a few trips on the mv Taverner; it ran in tandem with the mv Bonavista at the time. They ran out of Lewisport on a two week rotation to Nain. The Taverner was smaller but quite comfortable. Those were the days of good service, maybe it could have been improved, but compared to what the NL government supplies today it was the bee’s knees.
No link, but the power outage in Hopedale I wrote on has finely received some air time on CBC radio. The emergency back up generator is Goose Bay waiting to be flown in. A local business person is complaining about the outage, Hydros handling of the issue, as well as the community governments handling of the issue. The regional manager for Hydro is due in to Hopedale today for talks with community.
Oh yeah; I have most of the snow cleared, just waiting for the next dump on Thursday or, before.
From what was reported at the time of the blockade, the three individuals ceased their blockade as soon as they received official notification from their union HQ.
The nice little bit of history and a view into the future by Mike Johansen is right on. The powers that be do not want to look at what is a best combination, they just want to run the service into the ground, then say, “looky looky, it’s not working, we are subsidizing you, oh lordy lordy we can’t do that”.
I took a few trips on the mv Taverner; it ran in tandem with the mv Bonavista at the time. They ran out of Lewisport on a two week rotation to Nain. The Taverner was smaller but quite comfortable. Those were the days of good service, maybe it could have been improved, but compared to what the NL government supplies today it was the bee’s knees.
No link, but the power outage in Hopedale I wrote on has finely received some air time on CBC radio. The emergency back up generator is Goose Bay waiting to be flown in. A local business person is complaining about the outage, Hydros handling of the issue, as well as the community governments handling of the issue. The regional manager for Hydro is due in to Hopedale today for talks with community.
Oh yeah; I have most of the snow cleared, just waiting for the next dump on Thursday or, before.
Clear day not.
The mostly clear day forecast for yesterday did not eventuate. Instead we had snow then wind all day. Goes to prove you can never out guess Mother Nature no matter if the weather office is in Gander of Halifax. I’m up for more shoveling; many people have been shoveling snow off the roofs of houses, so that’s a sign of accumulation.
Fran brought this story to my attention.
It’s sad, also a reminder to people for care and good planning when venturing to areas remote. Advice I neglected to heed when I first came here, guess the spirits were on my side.
One other thing that niggles me with the story, claiming to “discover” the quarry. Seems to me if it is referred to as a quarry, then some one must have discovered it before hand. But it is a common mistake, so no big deal.
Fran brought this story to my attention.
It’s sad, also a reminder to people for care and good planning when venturing to areas remote. Advice I neglected to heed when I first came here, guess the spirits were on my side.
One other thing that niggles me with the story, claiming to “discover” the quarry. Seems to me if it is referred to as a quarry, then some one must have discovered it before hand. But it is a common mistake, so no big deal.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Clean and pristine.
After a busy morning it looks like this now at from of the house. I made a path to the back with snow shoes, and then shoveled a track out from the door to the green house/shed. More snow on the way mid week it’s said, so no use getting too tidy.
I love the freshness and working with the snow on a sunny day after a big snow storm, one life’s great enjoyments, long as the back hold out.
Must say the clear day was a surprise; forecast called for similar today as yesterday, but we will take it.
The back of the house can stay like this.
Nice coverage.
Officially we had 4.8 mm of precept. I do not know why Enviro Canada is measuring snow in mm, but they are.
I took the photos about 06 hours.
The temperature scale is in reverse now, but that’s AOK.
It has been brought to my attention I originally said the temperature fell from -18 to .08, my bad, so I corrected it.
The why of measuring snow fall in mm was also explained? Before posting my comments on that I did check out the official weather site, well I like the old way.
It has been brought to my attention I originally said the temperature fell from -18 to .08, my bad, so I corrected it.
The why of measuring snow fall in mm was also explained? Before posting my comments on that I did check out the official weather site, well I like the old way.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Have heard that one of the resolutions to be presented at the CCofL AGM next week is one concerning the absurdly high cost of mailing packages to and from remote communities [see my post of Jan 03, "same old bug-a-bear"].
So I will continue on with some information as to what can be done to limit costs in some instances, but it does take some effort and know how.
If one has a Sears Canada catalogue [and who does not], a credit card, a contact in HV-GB, a phone and time on your hands what one can do is; make your order with Sears either by phone or on the internet, have the order shipped to the Sears catalogue store in HV-GB. If I ordered something like the item in my Jan 03 post it would cost about $5.00 to get it delivered there. You will be given an ETA in HV-GB.Once it arrives at the HV-GB store one would receive an automated message from Sears, stating that your order had arrived and you have 10 days to pick it up. Too bad if your not home, only one chance is given. So if you have not forgotten about your order, and you wonder why it is taking so long, you make a call to the HV-GB store and ask if your order has arrived. Once it’s established that the order has arrived in HV-GB one has to make arrangements to get it to the remote community. One can ask a friend or family member [if available] to pick it up and give it some one who may be coming your way. That’s the cheapest way.Baring that you can call one of the two airlines and ask them to pick it up and deliver it to your community. Air Lab is slightly cheaper than Innu Mikun, both charge a $5.00 pick up fee. That is the second cheapest way.Baring that you can ask your friend or family member [if available] to pick it up, take it to the post office and mail it to you. That my friends is the most expensive way.
So given all the hassle, the fact that a lot of people do not have credit cards, plus many would not know of the service, no wonder the post office is doing a killing, especially over Christmas, but all year really.
We have used the above service at times so can save a bit, many others do use it too. Alas Sears does not always carry what you are looking for; there cloths are not of that high a quality.
So I will continue on with some information as to what can be done to limit costs in some instances, but it does take some effort and know how.
If one has a Sears Canada catalogue [and who does not], a credit card, a contact in HV-GB, a phone and time on your hands what one can do is; make your order with Sears either by phone or on the internet, have the order shipped to the Sears catalogue store in HV-GB. If I ordered something like the item in my Jan 03 post it would cost about $5.00 to get it delivered there. You will be given an ETA in HV-GB.Once it arrives at the HV-GB store one would receive an automated message from Sears, stating that your order had arrived and you have 10 days to pick it up. Too bad if your not home, only one chance is given. So if you have not forgotten about your order, and you wonder why it is taking so long, you make a call to the HV-GB store and ask if your order has arrived. Once it’s established that the order has arrived in HV-GB one has to make arrangements to get it to the remote community. One can ask a friend or family member [if available] to pick it up and give it some one who may be coming your way. That’s the cheapest way.Baring that you can call one of the two airlines and ask them to pick it up and deliver it to your community. Air Lab is slightly cheaper than Innu Mikun, both charge a $5.00 pick up fee. That is the second cheapest way.Baring that you can ask your friend or family member [if available] to pick it up, take it to the post office and mail it to you. That my friends is the most expensive way.
So given all the hassle, the fact that a lot of people do not have credit cards, plus many would not know of the service, no wonder the post office is doing a killing, especially over Christmas, but all year really.
We have used the above service at times so can save a bit, many others do use it too. Alas Sears does not always carry what you are looking for; there cloths are not of that high a quality.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Reverse surge.
Wow, we have something very unusual and bothering going on in this province at the moment.
As of today there have been three by-elections already called, two more resignations, one from government, one from NDP, with all likely hood of more resignations to come.
Very big expenses for these by-elections, with a general election scheduled for October, no wonder we can’t get the dept down. Then again.
In a completely unrelated story, it seems there is a huge rat infestation in many homes behind the Confederation Building is the capital city. More on this on ‘here and now’ on CBC tonight.
As of today there have been three by-elections already called, two more resignations, one from government, one from NDP, with all likely hood of more resignations to come.
Very big expenses for these by-elections, with a general election scheduled for October, no wonder we can’t get the dept down. Then again.
In a completely unrelated story, it seems there is a huge rat infestation in many homes behind the Confederation Building is the capital city. More on this on ‘here and now’ on CBC tonight.
Round up of some regional happenings this week.
Nain Hill was active earlier in the week. Several mini avalanches occurred after the latest snow and wind storms, plus one larger one. The larger one ran down about 129 meters and contained some large chunks of snow that could have done damage if anything in the way. The whole break away was about 1500 tons. No building were threatened, but it did cover a snowmobile track, most likely high markers, you just never know when you push the envelope, wish some people would think about that more.
The ‘big school’ continues to have heating problems, though there is school today.
In Hopedale people had a bit of a scare this past Tuesday. Two of the three diesel generators broke down at the same time. With only one generator power was only available to a small part of the town for a number of hours. With a low of -27 a good supply of wood was handy.
There is conflicting information, but it seems most of the town was without power from five to six hours. One of the downed generators was repaired and up and running, the third is still down and people from the manufacturer have to have a look at it. NL Hydro says that a replacement generator will be taken in ASAP.
The NDP candidate for Labrador West has announced his intention to leave politics in about a month. Randy Collins has been the member there for about eight years. Mr. Collins was on of the five former and present MHA’s mentioned in the over spending of constituency allowance scandal that is still being investigated. That makes tow of the four sitting implicated members who have left politics since the scandal broke.
A Virgin Atlantic flight from London to Orlando Florida spent about 22 hours in Goose Bay. It was diverted for a passenger medical emergency. Then a mechanical problem popped up. The 300 odd passengers spent their time in local hotels and at the Military base.
No reports of negative comments like there was about St.John’s recently. Most did complain about the cold. Like you have to dress for it, next time bring a parka on your way to Florida.
The good news is, no news is good news ;-}
The ‘big school’ continues to have heating problems, though there is school today.
In Hopedale people had a bit of a scare this past Tuesday. Two of the three diesel generators broke down at the same time. With only one generator power was only available to a small part of the town for a number of hours. With a low of -27 a good supply of wood was handy.
There is conflicting information, but it seems most of the town was without power from five to six hours. One of the downed generators was repaired and up and running, the third is still down and people from the manufacturer have to have a look at it. NL Hydro says that a replacement generator will be taken in ASAP.
The NDP candidate for Labrador West has announced his intention to leave politics in about a month. Randy Collins has been the member there for about eight years. Mr. Collins was on of the five former and present MHA’s mentioned in the over spending of constituency allowance scandal that is still being investigated. That makes tow of the four sitting implicated members who have left politics since the scandal broke.
A Virgin Atlantic flight from London to Orlando Florida spent about 22 hours in Goose Bay. It was diverted for a passenger medical emergency. Then a mechanical problem popped up. The 300 odd passengers spent their time in local hotels and at the Military base.
No reports of negative comments like there was about St.John’s recently. Most did complain about the cold. Like you have to dress for it, next time bring a parka on your way to Florida.
The good news is, no news is good news ;-}
Inside Cod Island, Northern Labrador.
Sorry about the bread in the way.
Taken this summer by P. Fenton.
Exact location top secrete, have to find it yourselves.
Actually the bread and cookies was the point of the photo's. It's my famous 12 grain, very good for high activity people. The double double choc chip cookies are fought over I'm told.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
CCof L and schools.
The Combined Councils of Labrador will be holding the 35th AGM in Nain next week, see link on right side bar.
As stated there, the CCofL was originated by the northern Labrador councils. It has since grown and the smaller northern communities have been some what marginalized by the lager ones in the organization. Some may even say the organization has been high jacked.
Why not that long ago there was rumblings of the original communities pulling out and going it alone. Things seem to have quieted down on that front, at least publicly.
With the formation of Nunatsiavut, and the taking over of the 5 Inuit community councils by Nunatsiavut Government, it remains to be seen how things will work out at CCofL now. I for one am curious, be nice to hear some information on that from those that may know.
The 5 are now called [put name of town here] Inuit Community Governments.
The Nain School, grades 5 to 12 has been closed all week. Understandable early in week with the low wind chills. But CBC keeps announcing that the school remains closed for all grades, it can’t be the weather now. I have heard rumors, and CKOK had a story on what was going on but I missed it. CBC HV-GB does not seem curios as there has been nothing on the subject in a story sense. Plenty of coverage of a school closing with heating problems on the south coast. In golfing parlance, it’s par for the course.
As stated there, the CCofL was originated by the northern Labrador councils. It has since grown and the smaller northern communities have been some what marginalized by the lager ones in the organization. Some may even say the organization has been high jacked.
Why not that long ago there was rumblings of the original communities pulling out and going it alone. Things seem to have quieted down on that front, at least publicly.
With the formation of Nunatsiavut, and the taking over of the 5 Inuit community councils by Nunatsiavut Government, it remains to be seen how things will work out at CCofL now. I for one am curious, be nice to hear some information on that from those that may know.
The 5 are now called [put name of town here] Inuit Community Governments.
The Nain School, grades 5 to 12 has been closed all week. Understandable early in week with the low wind chills. But CBC keeps announcing that the school remains closed for all grades, it can’t be the weather now. I have heard rumors, and CKOK had a story on what was going on but I missed it. CBC HV-GB does not seem curios as there has been nothing on the subject in a story sense. Plenty of coverage of a school closing with heating problems on the south coast. In golfing parlance, it’s par for the course.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Tooling around indoors on a cold day.

Some guy up in Iqaluit said this was hard to do, well if I can do it, know what I'm saying.
Lousy resolution, but there are over 1300 people down there. The water at the bottom of the white is the dam. The white is the town and roads. The point with the white has the airstrip to the right, chopper pad at tip of point and the road to the dump around to the left and into the other bay. The surrounding hills are 600 to 800 feet. And yes, the green stuff is trees.
Nuff about the cold weather.
I have a link to Fredericksburg Tx at right, I do not know much about Texas except what I learnt watching Texas Ranger movies, and the fact there seems to be a lot of aliens there taking all the low paying jobs.
Any way, had a nice surprise just this week, re contact with some nice folk who live down that way now.
We first met Marlene and Tom about 25 years ago. Marlene was a geology student at a US Uni. Marlene along with her class and a Prof. were in Labrador doing some field work, Tom tagged along for a bit of a holiday.
At the time I was working with a Labradorite project here, so met them through that. There was a bit of an issue with accommodations and the group were unhappy with the situation, so we offered Marlene and Tom a room at our place for several days.
We have kept in touch since, except for a brief break last year or so. They have moved several times in the 25 years and seemed to have settled just outside Fredericksburg on an old farm. Living the ideal rural life it seems, feeding cows, cutting wood, shooting deer, sitting by the fire in +3c chilly weather.
I have a link to Fredericksburg Tx at right, I do not know much about Texas except what I learnt watching Texas Ranger movies, and the fact there seems to be a lot of aliens there taking all the low paying jobs.
Any way, had a nice surprise just this week, re contact with some nice folk who live down that way now.
We first met Marlene and Tom about 25 years ago. Marlene was a geology student at a US Uni. Marlene along with her class and a Prof. were in Labrador doing some field work, Tom tagged along for a bit of a holiday.
At the time I was working with a Labradorite project here, so met them through that. There was a bit of an issue with accommodations and the group were unhappy with the situation, so we offered Marlene and Tom a room at our place for several days.
We have kept in touch since, except for a brief break last year or so. They have moved several times in the 25 years and seemed to have settled just outside Fredericksburg on an old farm. Living the ideal rural life it seems, feeding cows, cutting wood, shooting deer, sitting by the fire in +3c chilly weather.
Monday, January 15, 2007
I’ve always wondered.
Well maybe not always, but sure as hell did this morning. I wondered what the wind chill on my nose and cheeks were as my face traveled at 35 KPH into a wind of 71 KPH at a temperature of -23c. Without the speed of my face it was -41 chill at the time.
Why did I do this one may ask, well mainly to get some stove oil to make sure I did not run out any time soon.
A number of people were over there getting oil; they had run out over the weekend. It’s happened to me in the past, but not lately, it’s hell on the fingers bleeding oil lines, some times thawing them out, in this type of weather. Yes, there is water in the oil at times, well most times up her, another thing you have to make allowances for.
Why did I do this one may ask, well mainly to get some stove oil to make sure I did not run out any time soon.
A number of people were over there getting oil; they had run out over the weekend. It’s happened to me in the past, but not lately, it’s hell on the fingers bleeding oil lines, some times thawing them out, in this type of weather. Yes, there is water in the oil at times, well most times up her, another thing you have to make allowances for.
Ice candle making 2201.
When the weather milds out I’ll put them out to show them lit.
I ¾ fill the cans with water, let it freeze until only some water left in middle, remove from mold, cut hole in top to drain water, trim hole to accommodate candle. A couple of them the ice froze solid, so after removing from mold I drilled the hole.
Then the candles go in, votives in this case, and then you’re ready to go.
Then the candles go in, votives in this case, and then you’re ready to go.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Apropros of nothing special going on.
BBC NETWS Asia-Pacific Playboy airwoman relieved of duty
This story is interesting [apart from the obvious] for what it does not say.
I have to wonder how this lady lasted so long in the military, especially given her job description, what with the history of harassment and assaults over the years.
Could be the lady was just lucky, or was able to deal with whatever came her way better than others, or the Air Force has a different approach to female staff.
I also wonder if it was time for her to leave the Air Force and decided to go out in a blaze of glory [her 15 minutes] and lots of retirement dollars.
What ever, good for her.
I wonder if any thought has been given to sending the sergeant over to Iraq to train the Iraqi army or police………….No, guess not.
Hear on CBC radio a report of another related story. One of a woman, a 15 year veteran of the RCMP, who is suing the RCMP and the federal Government for sexual harassment over those 15 years. Can’t find the link, but it is there some place.
Update: link for above story Not CBC but same story.
We sure have the January weather now, been down to -26c with -37c wind chills. It is with us into next week it seems, will harden the ice up. Hope they are getting it south of here too, people want to get out into the country for hunting and wooding.
This story is interesting [apart from the obvious] for what it does not say.
I have to wonder how this lady lasted so long in the military, especially given her job description, what with the history of harassment and assaults over the years.
Could be the lady was just lucky, or was able to deal with whatever came her way better than others, or the Air Force has a different approach to female staff.
I also wonder if it was time for her to leave the Air Force and decided to go out in a blaze of glory [her 15 minutes] and lots of retirement dollars.
What ever, good for her.
I wonder if any thought has been given to sending the sergeant over to Iraq to train the Iraqi army or police………….No, guess not.
Hear on CBC radio a report of another related story. One of a woman, a 15 year veteran of the RCMP, who is suing the RCMP and the federal Government for sexual harassment over those 15 years. Can’t find the link, but it is there some place.
Update: link for above story Not CBC but same story.
We sure have the January weather now, been down to -26c with -37c wind chills. It is with us into next week it seems, will harden the ice up. Hope they are getting it south of here too, people want to get out into the country for hunting and wooding.
Friday, January 12, 2007
RIP Rupert.
They are going to divert this majestic river, and flood 400 sq kilometers to produce Hydro.
If the Danny NL Government ever gets its act together they will do similar damage to land not far to the east on the Grand River of Labrador.
The slush on the ice has gone this morning, we have -30 odd wind chills, that will deal with any mushy slush for sure, froze my nose too.
But it does feel normal, so we will put up with the uncomforts.
If the Danny NL Government ever gets its act together they will do similar damage to land not far to the east on the Grand River of Labrador.
The slush on the ice has gone this morning, we have -30 odd wind chills, that will deal with any mushy slush for sure, froze my nose too.
But it does feel normal, so we will put up with the uncomforts.
One more "take'n me ball and going home" bullshit.
Stories like this do nothing to ‘surge’ the Newfoundland image.
I’m with the council on this, and hope they stick to their guns. Sure it’s great to knock back a few with your buddies, but not in the fire hall. If there is no other place in town for a social drink then start up a club or something, or go with out [the club that is] like many do.
If it is true that most fire halls in the country allow drinking on the premises it’s time for that to change.
I’m with the council on this, and hope they stick to their guns. Sure it’s great to knock back a few with your buddies, but not in the fire hall. If there is no other place in town for a social drink then start up a club or something, or go with out [the club that is] like many do.
If it is true that most fire halls in the country allow drinking on the premises it’s time for that to change.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
This is January????
The harbor and bay ice is rather unusual for this time of year. Must be about 3 inches of snow, three inches of slush before you hit ice. Be hard on the gas on a long trip, or hauling a heavy load of wood.

These two
canines are old buddies. The reside down near the a
irstrip, when I walk past they always are anxious for my attention and a bit of a rough up. They do not have much discipline and jump at me and hit me hard with their claws, especially the white one, but both are nice intelligent dogs. Note the little snow house for the white one.
These two
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Brief hiatus from the snow.
Had a chance to get a shot of the open water out at confluence of Nain Bay and Harmony Run. Not supposed to be there, supposed to be frozen and all white. It does look like it is starting to set over, but conditions are not looking good that it will stick.
As I post this flurries are on the go and it is down flat. I know the mission plane [hospital plane] got in, not sure if any others did.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Monday, January 08, 2007

At the risk of sounding politically correct, the weather has been rather anomalous of late.
Everybody and his dog seem to be talking about the weather of too. At one time it was mainly people who spent time on the land or water, or those luckless townies in St.John’s, now it is the cause celeb, maybe something is happening out there. I have long been of the view that man can not keep abusing mother earth and get away with it, I now have the view that I was right.
Any way we had some nice snow falls over the weekend, officially only 5.4cm fell, but I’m sure there was more than that. No wind to speak of either, but it is picking up today.
We had temperatures way above the normals, High of .07 and a low of -6.3 yesterday. Compare that to the norms of -16 and –25 you get a sense of what it has been like in January, to date.
Some picture I took this morning just after sun up, we usually have snow up to the bottom of window sill, and the willows are usually covered by this time of year.
The other is of neighbor’s house, their in throws of building an ice candle walk up to the door, big ice candles I know, but it will/would look spectacular if it ever gets finished. I’m betting on it melting long before it gets completed, but then I was wrong once before.

Friday, January 05, 2007
The day I get an invite [from Nain Inuit Community Government] to attend a meeting on transportation issues with the Minister for WST the minister gets “steped aside” by the Premier.
The problem is only 3700 bucks that were double invoiced on the Ministers Constituency Allowance, a far cry from the 6 figures of alleged overspending of some of Minister Hickeys co MHA’s.
The Minister has admitted mistakes were made by cutting a cheque post hast to the House of Assembly. He also hastily laid blame at others for any and all oversights or mistakes.
In a valiant effort to look squeaky clean, the minister offered up to a CBC reporter that “I called the Auditor general to set up a meeting, he did not call me”. Only problem was that this statement was made directly after leaving a commanded meeting with the premier.
So I wonder if this long asked for and longer needed meeting on transportation issues at Minister level will go ahead now. Just another sarga in the long running short changing we patiently put up with up here.
The problem is only 3700 bucks that were double invoiced on the Ministers Constituency Allowance, a far cry from the 6 figures of alleged overspending of some of Minister Hickeys co MHA’s.
The Minister has admitted mistakes were made by cutting a cheque post hast to the House of Assembly. He also hastily laid blame at others for any and all oversights or mistakes.
In a valiant effort to look squeaky clean, the minister offered up to a CBC reporter that “I called the Auditor general to set up a meeting, he did not call me”. Only problem was that this statement was made directly after leaving a commanded meeting with the premier.
So I wonder if this long asked for and longer needed meeting on transportation issues at Minister level will go ahead now. Just another sarga in the long running short changing we patiently put up with up here.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Good thing the NL politicians did not offer up for testing. Perhaps high concentrations of whatever residue comes off 100 dollar bills would be in evidence.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
A new year, a same old bug-a-bear.
Over the holidays I had time to look at the Canada Post web site, as well as some of the courier companies that serve Labrador. I did this because the ever increasing cost of receiving and sending parcels to and from northern remote communities has long been a pain in everybody’s butts and pockets.
People have complained about the costs for years, politicians cant seem to, or are not motivated enough, to put effort into finding out exactly why the high costs, not to mention the what looks like huge discrepancies in costs of shipping in some of the legs in getting packages to northern towns.
I know some politicians put some effort into this issue a number of years back, there was a Northern Advisory Board formed to supposedly advise Canada Post Northern Service. For reasons never explained it was disbanded without fan fair.
I have put together some cost comparisons from the appropriate web sites, all figures are inclusive of taxes and fuel surcharges. All sites advise that the figures quoted are approximate, the final $ figure would be revealed at point of shipping.
I checked out the Canada Post Small Business rate too, for some reason they are higher than the consumer rate, so I have not included them here.
So here are the rates for a package weighing 4 Kg with dimensions of 87cm L x 34cm H x 42cm W. That is the size and approximate weight of the storage unit I was going to buy, but did not due to high shipping costs compared to the purchase price [$24.99]. For those not familiar; once a package exceeds a certain size, or exceeds a certain size and weight, Canada Post “cubes it” with some complicated formula. This means they measure the packages length, width, height, factor in the weight, where it is destined, where it is from. Not having a degree in Postoligy [rimes with Proctology] I’m at a complete loss with it.
The big anomaly from our [remote towns] point of view is the cost that Air Labrador charges to ship the package from HV-GB to Nain, and what that same section costs with Canada Post and the courier company’s.
There are other questions in some of the charges for different sections, but I will go into them in a later post.
Puralator takes 18 days to ship parcel from St.John's to Nain, wow.
The format has/will change when I post this to Blogger, hopefully it will still make sense, to some extent.
Canada Post:
Priority. Regular. XPressPost.
Toronto 300.33 139.71 280.27
3 9 3 Days.
Toronto 160.91 32.55 87.89
Vancouver 300.33 137.06 238.56
3 12 3 Days.
Vancouver 157.82 35.65 113.13
StJohn's 240.07 117.65 163.4
5 11 5 Days.
StJohn's 44.21 23.31 25.62
2 10 2 Days.
HV-GB 192.23 41.95 141.53
Air Labrador: HV-GB to Nain: 1.21 a lb + taxes = 1.46 with 15.00 minimum + taxes minimum = 17.86
Purolator courier service.
AIR. Ground.
Toronto to Nain 103.17 85.02
Toronto to HV-GB 76.14 52.51
HV-GB to Nain 102.18 Includes
59.90 Beyond surcharge.
Vancouver to Nain 115.47 88.51
Vancouver to HV-GB 75.92 48.96
HV-GB to Nain See above.
St John's to Nain 113.54 84.83
45.90 Beyond surcharge.
StJohn's to Hv-GB HV-GB 74.01 45.28
HV-GB to Nain See above.
I did a check of FedEx site, all their prices are higher, or the price would depend on when you ship it.
People have complained about the costs for years, politicians cant seem to, or are not motivated enough, to put effort into finding out exactly why the high costs, not to mention the what looks like huge discrepancies in costs of shipping in some of the legs in getting packages to northern towns.
I know some politicians put some effort into this issue a number of years back, there was a Northern Advisory Board formed to supposedly advise Canada Post Northern Service. For reasons never explained it was disbanded without fan fair.
I have put together some cost comparisons from the appropriate web sites, all figures are inclusive of taxes and fuel surcharges. All sites advise that the figures quoted are approximate, the final $ figure would be revealed at point of shipping.
I checked out the Canada Post Small Business rate too, for some reason they are higher than the consumer rate, so I have not included them here.
So here are the rates for a package weighing 4 Kg with dimensions of 87cm L x 34cm H x 42cm W. That is the size and approximate weight of the storage unit I was going to buy, but did not due to high shipping costs compared to the purchase price [$24.99]. For those not familiar; once a package exceeds a certain size, or exceeds a certain size and weight, Canada Post “cubes it” with some complicated formula. This means they measure the packages length, width, height, factor in the weight, where it is destined, where it is from. Not having a degree in Postoligy [rimes with Proctology] I’m at a complete loss with it.
The big anomaly from our [remote towns] point of view is the cost that Air Labrador charges to ship the package from HV-GB to Nain, and what that same section costs with Canada Post and the courier company’s.
There are other questions in some of the charges for different sections, but I will go into them in a later post.
Puralator takes 18 days to ship parcel from St.John's to Nain, wow.
The format has/will change when I post this to Blogger, hopefully it will still make sense, to some extent.
Canada Post:
Priority. Regular. XPressPost.
Toronto 300.33 139.71 280.27
3 9 3 Days.
Toronto 160.91 32.55 87.89
Vancouver 300.33 137.06 238.56
3 12 3 Days.
Vancouver 157.82 35.65 113.13
StJohn's 240.07 117.65 163.4
5 11 5 Days.
StJohn's 44.21 23.31 25.62
2 10 2 Days.
HV-GB 192.23 41.95 141.53
Air Labrador: HV-GB to Nain: 1.21 a lb + taxes = 1.46 with 15.00 minimum + taxes minimum = 17.86
Purolator courier service.
AIR. Ground.
Toronto to Nain 103.17 85.02
Toronto to HV-GB 76.14 52.51
HV-GB to Nain 102.18 Includes
59.90 Beyond surcharge.
Vancouver to Nain 115.47 88.51
Vancouver to HV-GB 75.92 48.96
HV-GB to Nain See above.
St John's to Nain 113.54 84.83
45.90 Beyond surcharge.
StJohn's to Hv-GB HV-GB 74.01 45.28
HV-GB to Nain See above.
I did a check of FedEx site, all their prices are higher, or the price would depend on when you ship it.
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