Friday, November 12, 2010

The northern lights were giving a majestic display last evening and into the early morning. I was feeling too lazy and my back was giving me agro to bother taking any photos.

The air has been dry and the sky mainly clear of late, this is not all good as the wind combined with traffic kicks up a lot of dust, very unusual to have dust issues this time of year.

The photos are of Noah Nochasak and his self made Kayak, self made paddle too.

The bottom photo was taken on his arrival at Natuashish, the top one was out in Nain harbour.

1 comment:

Shammickite said...

I tried to leave a comment yesterday but all I could see on your blog was a big red blob!
I don't think I'd like to go very far in that Kayak. But Noah looks like he's a very competent kayaker.