Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Not sure what the CBC rational for this story is. The first thing I think of though is; man this guy who is obviously an Inuk, seems to be doing it tough and without any visible signs of counseling or intervention, Christ a rap sheet 22 pages long. I also suspect there is something missing from the story; example, why was he in Gander? Worth reporting IMO.

The story here has broader implications for Nunatsiavut. If you look up the court docket for Nain you will see similar stories of people with rap sheets almost as long, the same people time after time for the same types of crimes. No intervention by the province but especially Nunatsiavut Government.

There are very serious issues that many Inuit are suffering, people who are in responsible positions know what these issues are but refuse for some reason to deal with them in any intelligent or meaningful way.

Since July Nain has lost four lives and three homes to fire with not a question or for that matter answers forthcoming as to the reason why. Everybody knows there are possible reasons for these deaths but no one is asking the right questions, or any question in public for that matter.

The first of latest fires drew a big hue and cry mainly centered at banning alcohol. All sorts of promises were made by council and NG representatives at an invited only forum, the council held a public meeting.

Now all we hear is the deafening silence of the zuper zecrete zociety.


Old Brooktrout said...

It's the brutal truth that many of the Northern Inuit who were relocated became permanent clients of welfare state agencies, and many more became frequent guests of her majesty's prison service. That was the whole point. Of course, we didn't talk about it that way in 1959, when this man was a toddler. It was all about "the benefits of citizenship" back then.

Shammickite said...

I was reading the comments on this story. Sad, indeed. So many of the commenters just don't get the point.