Great weekend for those going off to cabins or just doing stuff around town.
The invasion of the snow birds is in full force, I do not remember when we have had them in such large numbers, large flocks all over town.
The weather forecast is for very shitty weather in southern Labrador and parts of the island but mainly clear for us.
I was listening to CBC this morning; Michael Enright was saying a study of 66 centers across the country found that fresh healthy food prices vary widely in large parts of the country, some times up to 6 times more. Meantime junk foods prices are more stable and consistent in the same centers.
Late yesterday I purchased 2 for 1 large chocolate easter bunnies with fruits and nuts, selling like hot cross buns they were.
Meanwhile in another store mangos, pawpaw, bananas, lettuce, tomato and the like is left to go rotten.
It's always good to see the snowbirds arrive. They sure look quite large in your pics. Are some of the kids still trying to catch them with line? I remember hearing some people speak of eating the little critters. Must make for a hard catch as they fly around so quick.
People are trying to catch the snow birds using snow shoes, oven racks, fridge racks. Not much success from what I have seen.
Not sure if people are serious about eating them these days, maybe when hungry enough?
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