Monday, October 06, 2008

Warming trend?

I hear that the Minister of Education is coming to Nain this morning, along with the local MHA. Apparently the minister has some sort of big announcement to make that effects this area.

What’s the chance it will be to finely address the air quality in the K to 3 school here in Nain.

Zero to zilch is my guess.

A concerned parent informed me that the heating system in the school has been inadequate since its construction. Representations have been made to the school board to fix the problem; to date nothing has been done.

Seems the heating system works too well and there is no air exchangers in the building.

Get this; it gets up to 32 degrees Celsius in some class rooms. When you comcider 21 c is the recommended normal for indoors 32 seems quite excessive.

I see the department has a scent free policy but no anti hot as hell policy.

The only attempts to address the issue have been the instillation of fans in some rooms.
On the top floor windows can not be opened for safety reasons. Having a fan with nowhere for the air to go just recalculates the heated air I would think.

I am also told that there are no water fountains in the building and no bottled water available for the kids to re-hydrate.
When things get way to hot the teachers take the kids outdoors [weather permitting] to do their lessons, not sure what lessons.

If this indeed has been a problem since the building was complete one has to ask where is the School Board [Labrador east Integrated School board], past and present principals and past and present school committees [or what ever moniker they go under these days], shame on them. Then where is the NL Teachers Association, would not they have an interest their members continuing good health.

Update on the heating issues at the school: A group of concerned parents are planning a protest near the elementary school at 3.30 today. The minister for Education is supposed to arrive at 3.00, weather permitting.

On the fresh food front:
BigLand has a sign advertising all produce is 50% off.
Some good deals there. Alas there is always some sort of pitfall, it seems apples are no longer considered produce at BigLand.
While we were there several people had multiple bags of apples in the shopping carts, the bags even had the red discount stickers on them.
Despite all this evidence they were still denied the discount, being told that only produce counted in the 50% off. Weird or what?

Apples don’t rot.

Further to the apples story. I ran into the Bigland manager down at the dock and could not resist asking about the bags of apples not qualifying as produce.

This is how it is: the apples came in as freight on the boat, not on the plane under the food by mail program [FBMP].
All the produce that came in on the FBMP was discounted this week, hat off to Bigland.

So I said “so you are saying apples are not produce”?
"No, what I should have written on the notice was ALL PRERISHABLES 50% OFF" said the manager.

Now that gets us into a whole different bag of apples, but what the heck.

Bottom line is; all the produce that was flown in late [due to weather] under the FBMP was discounted for the first time I can remember.
A real skeptic could maybe think that there are ulterior motives for that, see above, but not me.

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