Saturday, December 15, 2007

Worlds apart.

To say injustice is rampart and tolerated by the majority in this first world would be a gross understatment for sure.

There are two stories from either end of the world that highlight why democracy and capitalism as we know it do not work for all.

I sure hope the Aboriginals involved, who had their land and self respect taken from them, get their just rewards. At the same time I hope the perpetrators of these crimes against human decency get theirs.

As to the Muldoon “performance” in the House of Commons, well it was just that, a performance. Leagues of handlers and PR people, family in black and looking all bent out; is there no inkling of decency in these people.

Muldoon thinks he made a ‘serious error in judgment’. I wonder how do the millions of Canadians feel with their serious error in judgment in electing him to govern.

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