Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Whale of a day.

Yesterday started off on the dodgy side but ended up a beautiful day, up to 22 at the house, nice breeze at times making it good berry picking weather. I checked the blue berries, not quite sweet enough for me yet.
Noticed a couple of Minki whales in the harbor in the morning, seems they stuck around all day.

We strolled down to the dock after supper; people were on the end of the dock looking out over
the water. Fran asked “what are you looking at?”

“Whales” they said in unison.

I missed the best shot though, three time one whale had it’s body ¾ way out of the water, rolled over showing it’s grey/white belly, great sight with everybody oooing and arhing. We were told that earlier the whales came close to the dock doing the same thing, feeding on capelin most likely.

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