Saturday, June 17, 2006

Time to hit the woods.

Very un northern like yesterday. Day started off very normal with temperatures in the low teens. Then mid afternoon this front came in from west, warm winds, became very dry, and got up to 27.6 at the house. Then in the evening, out of no where, rain showers and a couple of heavy down pours, it reminded me of summer evenings back down under. Bring on more of those evenings I say, or should I be careful for what I wish for?
Thursday gas went up from 128.4 a liter to 143.3 a liter. Heating oil from 130.8 to 139.1. Alas with the heating oil you have to add the taxes and delivery charges.
I’m pessimistically optimistic that the increase in gas will curtail the idiot joy riders on their 4 wheelers, and in some cases cars. Seeing the authorities are incapable, or unwilling, to deal with things like public safety, not to mention public nuisance issues, perhaps gas gouging and government taxes may do the trick.
Not a lot of good happy news up this way of late, what with the Justice Minister getting involved with the latest case of alleged bad policing. Guess there is no sense of conveying happy news where there is none. Oh, I know there is lots of good things going on around town, sadly the bad news and thoughtless incidents are on the increase, no dought about it. Until this is dealt with in a pro active way by the majority, the negatives will continue eating away, making it very difficult to live a normal life. So it's time to hit the woods and clear the head.

1 comment:

NL-ExPatriate said...

The young fella will remember that day for the rest of his life! Well done!

I know I still remember days like that to this day with fond memories.