I have long been a morning person, much to the consternation of my dear wife. She be the other way.
I find a sort of calm, with a dose of apprehension of what a new day will bring.
Maybe too it’s the fact that most of the evil little shits in the world are asleep at this time of day. What ever it is I am usually in a very good mood in the morn.
So I use the above to explain my rational in adding my two cents worth to the post over at NL-Outsidethebox regarding a possible use for the GBS [gravity based structure] once it has [in NL’s words] sucked all the oil out of the earth. NL has suggested that the GBS could be put in the middle of the Straight of Belle Isle and used as part of a fixed link.
I think the Inter model cable car would be the best option; it worked well for North West River for years. Maybe they could resurrect some of the parts that are still there near the old HBC store.
Picture courtesy of Chris Waynes who resides in the old dart.
Looking forward to seeing some more of those photos now that you have a scanner.
Here are some earlier posts I did on the intermodal Cable car fixed link. I was quite surprised at the uses for these things myself. They have them everywhere in Europe in the most unlikely places just as tourist attractions.
Thanks for the links NL, will check em out when not so busy, the new scanner has put me back on day to day priorities, have to play catch up now.
There are many and varied things around the world that could be utilized to better day to day life and tourism in Newfoundland and Labrador. It just needs the powers that be to pay attention and maybe stop playing politics with every dam thing, we would all be better off.
Is that some sort of oxymoron thing or something, politicians to stop playing politics, shhhheee’s
Hey, the original cable car! To think NWR is the only town in Labrador that's ever had public transit!
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