Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The continuing story. Sad boy.

Heard on CBC radio this morning was another in the long and sad saga of the Innu of Labrador and the deplorable way politicians, bureaucrats and private business have miss handled, miss led, taken advantage of, the Innu and their situation and plight for decades.
This morning, ex band Chief Katy Rich of Natuashish was on air complaining about how the band councils, and by extension the Innu Nation, are miss handling the funds the Innu are receiving from an IBA signed with the Voisey’s Bay Nickel Company. CBC reported that the Innu are to receive around 145 million dollars over several decades. This money was supposed to be put into a “trust fund” to benefit todays and future Innu. For reasons that seem a bit dodgy, the trust fund was by-passed and money was borrowed by the Innu Nation with future IBA payments as collateral, and the money given to the two Innu band councils to do with what they wish. Katy Rich claims that the Natuashish band council was issuing cheques to some band members, with the inevitable that the money is being spent in a few weeks, with nothing being put aside for future generations. One other Natuashish resident claimed that money is needed for youth activity, as well as other areas. Natuashish has a brand new multi million dollar ice rink. Due to corruption there has been no money available to maintain the rink, so there has been no hockey played in the rink for two years.
Innu nation head Ben Michel made some half hearted proclamations of dealing with the “trust fund” problem by July, well after the next schedule pay out of one million bucks to each band council. That would make it four million mostly squandered dollars to each community to date.
Shame on Politicians and bureaucrats for their gross miss conduct over the years on this file. Double dame shame on dodgy business people who are blatantly taking advantage of corrupt, and some times ignorant, Innu leaders and members.
Katy Rich stated that if something is not done right now to correct the situation, then she will go to court, I'm with katy all the way.

How’s that BS? [Brissie Shelia], no wimpy expressionless dude in a brothel me eh?

BS is a cyber buddy who likes the way I do not mince words, BS has a colorful way with words herself sure. Hope the weather is not too severe BS.

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