Tuesday, June 07, 2011

We are back into the doldrums again, RDF and calm.

Fran arrived back home yesterday morning, Siutik was sure glad to see her, as I.

Five minutes after arrival Fran gone down to see Carter and his mom, Siutik left looking around the house.
But all was well in the evening with Siutik back into her routine of laying right under Fran’s feet. Siutik refused to lay in that spot when Fran not around.

Water is still light brownish. Council must have done some flushing of the lines late yesterday evening, not a lot of grit but color and the smell is still there.

I spoke to the town manager, they were already on the job doing some checks and picture taking up the new road way.

It sounds like the contractors and or the engineers are in the old deny mode, par for the course unfortunately.

Now council has to make a decision as to whose well being takes precedence, the citizens of the community or outside interests. To date outside interests are to the fore, council attitudes have been steadily harking back 30 years with the way public works are carried out, little or no regard to the environment or the citizens well being. Three wise monkey syndrome prevails. Trouble with that is when things go wrong, and they invariably do, then our personal health or the health of the local environment, or both, suffers. Not to mention the fiscal costs to re mediate all that has gone wrong.

Then; maybe that is the method in what looks like madness to the layperson.

The Northern Ranger is on the north run, she is in Makkovik, heading for Postville and then return to Goose Bay.
Ice is still blocked in here, but some wind should change that.

Update: Boy it turned out to be a nice day once the fog burn rt off. St. Jawns is still pea soupy I hear, with fog horns frightening all the moose away.

Any way the main reason for the update is this newscast from CKOK on the situation.
I guess one could ask what took so long, but we will be content that things are moving.

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