The early morning of the 25th the weather became really rough, lots of rocking and rolling though not as bad as our trip south two years ago. Had trouble staying on feet at breakfast and had to keep a good grip on the breakfast tray and dishes etc.
After Makkovik it was a little smoother, even the turbot boats were leaving port while we were there. We were told that the boats were heading home south but this one was heading north east.
The couple who celebrated there 63rd on the boat must be getting tired of the Ranger by now. The latest is that she was due in Makkovik [weather permitting] at 7 this morning. That will have here well over 24 hours late getting into Goose Bay.
We left Hopedale late evening and arrived in Natuashish around 6am. Very quite and still with calm waters while there.
The three huskies were loaded on in Hopedale and I only noticed them when venturing out on deck after a good sleep. They were very interested in all the sounds around them, at times all three would be out of sight in the box, the slightest whistle or the crane boom overhead brought them up for a look see. I whispered some calming and encouraging words but resisted petting them.
One day I'm coming to Labrador to see all this for myself! I really want to see a box with three husky heads sticking out of it!!
BTW have a look at my blog today, I have posted more about the caribou.
Thanks for the update Brian, I've made a note of it on the blog. I really love those caribou!
hello brian. happy i checked in today,i thought you might not be posting for a that box of huskies.
just got my hands on a new photo filter. made something for fran.
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