The weather bloke [or is it blokees] was kind; snow fell all Christmas day with temperatures getting up near 0. What a perfect way to spend Christmas, with family, friends and the white stuff falling, quite the contrast to my earlier 100 + Fahrenheit days. Truth be known I may not be so buoyant if it had of been cold, windy and snow less.
But it turned out great, meal cooked on time, no disasters [well one], good mix of wild and domesticated birds, better mix of drinks, good company, all made for a very enjoyable though long day.
I scored well on the gift front, everything from a six pack of Stella to CanadaÂ’s only single malt. Must say I was surprised with that, not the taste as it remains unopened, but the fact of its existence, a very critical taste test lies ahead.
I did receive other gifts, some nice clothes, foody items, rollerduffele and what must be the equivalent of the husband giving the wife a lawn mower; I received a paper shredder, a total surprise for sure.
Fran received some very nice clothes, lot of silk this year. A highlight was a joint gift of a very nice soapstone carving of a walrus; it will take pride of place in our growing collection.
I canÂ’t say there really was a down side, just a little hiccup to the usual routine; I was not the only one put out either. I get up at usual time, turn computer on, make toast and tea, and sit down ready for the daily surf. Whats this then? no bloody internet connection!!!!, bloody hell? I do the usual checking of settings, think the worst of a virus, check out the long distance phone lines, some work some donÂ’t.
Could be the weather playing havoc with micro wave towers some place, could be anything really, so bugger it, I get dressed and go out and shovel snow, go for a powder hit on the Polaris, check out some other peoples ability to connect, find out it is not just my connection not working, muscles relax decidedly, go home and enjoy the rest of the day.
Internet came back up some time in the afternoon, grandkids were able to catch up on the lost hours, I played it kool.
With the good snow fall I guess people will be heading off into the country in all directions today, the mold temperatures may make traveling a bit iffy in places, so hope everybody uses some caution.
Have couple of pictures of the early Christmas day sow fall, blogger is not uploading them correctly for some reason, later.