Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Attention: NL tourism brain trust.

I think I have come up with a great concept for a tourism marketing video for Northern Labrador. That’s if you do that sort of marketing of course. Any way, we would start off with a shot of the official Labrador flag, then fade, then zoom in to what has become the unofficial ‘spring flag’ of Northern Labrador.

Perhaps we could then switch to some shots of rugged mountains; this one is just a hill. Maybe we could have some one standing on the edge of all things, this bloke is just for concept, the real bloke would need to be disheveled, long hair, ruddy face like he has spent too many long hours in the pubs of some place.

Maybe finish off with a zooming in shot of some washing hanging on the line, have to be careful what we show though, would not want to upset any sensitive sensibilities would we.

I think this has potential, it's such a great idea perhaps it has been done some place before, you could get some technical ideas if it has.


NL-ExPatriate said...

When I first started reading this I thought that maybe here was something I could send to the brain trusts with a recommendation. But as I read on I realized it was just another cynic with nothing to say but negative.

As for the Plastic bag flag you reap what you sow.

Brian said...

What’s a world without some humor? Maybe cynical humor, but then there are all types of humor.
A bonus would be that someone at the tourism department took note and it meant some change of attitudes towards tourism in Labrador.
I will add I hold no allusions about my influence.