Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My condolences to citizens of St.John’s.

I have been catching bits and pieces of the latest fracas going on between the councilors for the capital city. To put it in the most diplomatic way I can, the Mayor is a disgusting individual who puts the worst light possible on the rest of the citizens of this province.
I do not know personally any of the councilors, and watching them over the years nor do I feel the need to, but this latest outrage in depraved public behavior by Andy Wells is way over the top.
Surly his differences in opinions and policy as to what is best for the city can be done in a more gentlemanly and less offensive way. I should not say surly really, I know it can. There is no need to abuse women, men, councilors, staff, and citizens in the disgusting way Andy does. One can get your point across in a much more civil manner. Andy brushes it all off as “just being politics”, and “these people are liars and manipulators” and “out for their own gain”. Well talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
Time to go Andy Pandy, and not to an appointment anywhere in any government, go try that stuff in the private sector, short shift will be yours indeed.

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