It isn’t over till the skinny man sings.
I don’t think the latest Andy Wells saga is quite over yet.
Mr. Wells issued an apology to Ms Duff over his remarks to/about her at a so called private meeting some weeks ago.
Mr. Well’s apology came with some caveat’s, at least that’s what I got from his interview with CBC Here and Now and on CBC radio’s On the GO.
On the latest Here and Now interview Mr. Wells seemed unusually reticent, but earlier on the On the Go interview he seemed rather rambunctious, while at the same time seeming to apologize. Not sure why this would be. Could be he was playing up to the camera, the interviewer was male, way/type of questions put to him.
Radio interviewer was a woman, way/type of questions put to him.
Ms Duff seems to have accepted his apology, though with some reservations it seems to me, and rightly so.
Mr. Wells keeps on insisting that he is honest, candid with voters and the right guy to fight for the people of St. John’s. Yet, Mr. Wells stated on a number of occasions that he did not remember calling Ms Duff a stupid old woman, he bordered at times on saying he did not say these words, but then changed it to saying he may have said them but could not remember.
Now yesterday, Mr. Wells comes out and says he remembers offering Ms Duff an apology for saying the same words he did not remember saying.
Is that dishonesty? Bad memory? Selective memory? Sign of aging
One of the caveats Mr. Wells uses is the Quida Vida plan for redevelopment that Ms Duff is allegedly behind. It would be helpful for the public if one of the news agencies could explain what exactly this issue is about. It may help us understand better Mr. Well’s rationale, or may not.
As I stated, the skinny man has not sung yet.
Kudos to all those who voiced/wrote about their concerns on this very important issue. More voices, and louder voices, are needed to stop this paternal bullying style that is still rampart in many walks of life.