Friday, April 04, 2008

NMC update, April 08, part 4.

First picture is of the interview table, the mikes will be suspended from the hanging wooden circle at top of picture.

Next is view into the control room, the other two guys got in this morning and are busy at the wiring.

Then there is the edit suite all hooked up and operational. A couple of phone lines are working and the Internet is all a go.

lastly at right is the archive room with the first tapes being archived.


Shammickite said...

How long before completion?

Brian said...

“How long before completion” you say- Now that is the 1.8 million dollar question in it.

Can’t get an intelligent answer to that one, try as I might.
Supposedly the building is 98.5% complete, so client is more or less obligated to take possession with adequate $ hold backs to prompt swift COMPLETION.

Alas swift does not seem to be in several companies play books, even taking into account the geography and logistics.

But the move-in goes ahead, bottom floor [TV/Admin.] is up and running, we just hope that summer is on hold for awhile until the ventilation system is also up and running. In meantime the windows can be opened.

Shammickite said...

How thought ful, installing windows that can actually be opened... a completely new concept!