Monday, February 05, 2007

Black mood Monday.

Well the wind was not long turning to a westerly direction, kept me awake good part of the night, our bedroom is on the west side. It got up to 84 clicks, lot of blowing snow, all the good blown snow is now bad blowing snow building up around the house. Some light snow falling this morning, not that you can distinguish the blowing snow from the precipitation.

I’m pleased to see this has happened do not know if the guys guilty, but it should have happed at the get go.

I also do not know if the NL MHA’s that are under investigation for overspending their constituency allowance are guilty of any on the books criminal offence. I do know it is taking too long to find out. That, along with what has been revealed since, like inappropriate and double billing by several members, and then the self approval of 28 hundred dollars under secrecy by all but two of the MHA’s has led to the house of assembly not having the moral authority to govern.

I now think we have a good idea of why Loyola Sullivan left politics when he did. Loyola was up to his arm pits with all the decisions made, either in opposition or in government. He knew more revelations were coming, so he gets an appointment [none compete] to a plum ‘no need’ job paying 160 grand plus perks.

Their addicted, even our low profile MHA for Torngat Mountains is addicted to power and perks, no one wants to talk about that publicly though. Where is the personal ethics, the personal self respect of a lot of these individuals? The half arsed attempts to defend all these actions by saying that ‘no rules were broken’ just does not wash.

So lacking any moral authority, with a leader with dictatorial tendencies, the rest of the cabinet behaving like eunuchs, the rest of the caucus being of similar bent, or money grubbing cry babies. With the opposition [bar one] in similar situation, we are in a pretty pickle democratically speaking.
Even taking into account the influx of new blood with the upcoming by-elections, we still have the vast majority of the MHA’s tarred with all this sleaze, corruption and self served-ness.
And on the leader of the government, if we are to have a dictator then I think we should have vote on it. Just had to put that in, shows the absurdity of the whole sorry mess.
Why the only last week the premier referred to the Confederation Building as “my building”, before correcting himself and saying “our building”. Like the rest of his hyperbolism, the cat is out of the bag already, the horse has bolted, Elvis has left the building.

So who is responsible for allowing this to develop to the state it has. Ultimately we all are, Joe and Jan Q public. In brief it amounts to the three monkeys syndrome.

I’m not really in a black mood, just very very very angry, as is 90% of what is left of the voting public of NL.

Upertydate 1230 hours:

CBC just had a report saying the Liberal candidates in the upcoming by-elections have formed a coalition calling on the government [Danny Williams] to convene an inquiry in to the spending scandals in the house of Assembly.
Well others [like majority of voters] and certain media outlets have been calling for that since almost day one.
Will it happen? Only if some seats look vulnerable. And is it too late? You bet ya. Will it make a difference if it is? Most likely not.

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