Sunday, January 21, 2007

Nice coverage.

Yesterday our temperatures increased from -18 to -.08 in 12 hours. Had a good drop of snow all day, from light and fluffy to wet and wind blown. It is sure nice to get it though, that cold and wind without good snow coverage gets one down after awhile.
Officially we had 4.8 mm of precept. I do not know why Enviro Canada is measuring snow in mm, but they are.
I took the photos about 06 hours.
The temperature scale is in reverse now, but that’s AOK.

It has been brought to my attention I originally said the temperature fell from -18 to .08, my bad, so I corrected it.
The why of measuring snow fall in mm was also explained? Before posting my comments on that I did check out the official weather site, well I like the old way.

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