Saturday, February 12, 2011

Had to show

this photo of GGrandson Terrence in goal. Love the high tech protection.
Photo by Book.

We are into the 19th day of this cool spell. I don't and I think most don't mind the -20ish temperatures but we have not had a day [in those 19] above -25 wind chill, most days are in the -39 range, that gets to the bones.

The house is handling the extreme quite well. The new ceiling seems to be retaining heat better, not like some of the newer homes up in the exposed areas of the new subdivision. Lots of complaints from up that way about draft and hard to maintain heat in homes.

Then there are the ones who do not have any electricity, or snowmobiles to go get wood, or money to buy much wood, not sure how they get through weather like this.

The community of Hopedale seems to be more progressive when it comes to the elderly
and low income people.
They using money from a trust fund [from Voisey's Bay royalties that all communities access] and are paying several people to harvest firewood, plus those without wood stoves get some oil for the furnace.

And I just had to show this one of Terrence ready for the outback, note the line ready to string the crocs mouth.

Photo by Book.


Unknown said...

Nasty weather conditions alright! Even Andrew didn't want to venture out. Am amazed there are some in Nain without electricity? Are these just the elderly on low income? Why doesn't the NG or the Council take care of them? They should be able to go to the sports hall or similar for warmth and proper shelter.

Brian said...

The electricity company has them disconnected due to non payment, not sure how many but a number.

It would be incorrect to say nothing is done for people in those situations, noisy wheels usually get the grease as they say but some always fall through the cracks.

Hopedale seems to have a more caring group within council etc, Nain is more 'I'm all right jack' approach.