Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Facebook is reporting that Patricia Kemuksigak is the new ordinary member for the Upper Lake Melville area of the Nunatsiavut Assembly.

The by-election was necessary after the previous member was removed from the post after violating assembly rules.

Ms. Kemuksigak received 266 votes and has two things going for here for sure, one is being a woman and another is new blood into government, congratulations.

Yesterday CKOK had an interview with the NG first minister on the consolations NG is having on the caribou herd.

After the first two meetings in Makkovik and Nain the FM reported a majority of the people who spoke to the issue are in favor of conservation measures being taken to protect the long term viability of the herd.

This is good news, now meetings will be held in the other Nunatsiavut communities and Upper Lake Melville before NG sites down and decides what measure to put in place.

The FM promised a speedy conclusion, rather a new trend for NG, a welcome one at that.

Updated later:

Get a gander at these carvings, bloody amazing.

I do not know the young carver but boy he has developed into some kind of artist for sure. I do know John Terriak who got him started in the game; I have a number of John’s carvings but will have to just look at Gauthier's given the prices.

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