Friday, August 29, 2008

Wednesday and Thursday

were contrasts in activity in the air and on the water sure.

Wednesday the planes just seemed to never stop coming and going. Three twin otter loads of people arrived in the morning; the people were then ferried to the dock and then ferried out to the coast guard ship by a local long liner.

While that was going on the Northern Ranger arrived [on time] and this twin otter on floats landed, it took some people off the coast guard vessel and back to Goose Bay.

Yesterday was very quite at the dock and the air traffic back to normal, or even below normal.

It picked up at the dock mid afternoon with the arrival of the Astron, and the arrival of the sloop Torngat on its way back home to St. John’s.

Seems the Torngat had done a St. John’s to Greenland direct run, hung around Greenland for a month, and then done what yatchies call the “Viking route” to Canada.

By happenstance I learnt that the unidentified yacht that left Wednesday was from Holland. It was crewed by an elderly Dutch couple [they did come ashore briefly]; they too were on the “Viking Route” but started over in Northern Europe.
Coincidentally there was another European yacht doing the “VR” but its first North American landfall was L'Ance aux Meadows [he must be reading a different history book to the others].

Today is a big day for us.
The GD finely comes home for her vary brief summer break.
Bad weather and other issues delayed her finishing up classes at flying school.
The upside is she passed, with top marks of the class, you the girl GD.


Anonymous said...

When GD visits, do you call them flying visits?

Oh, dear!

Brian said...

Oh dear indeed, but you are correct in a sense DB, GD only gets days [instead of weeks] at home before having to return for the start of the new school year.