Friday, June 20, 2008

Egg pie!

Knocked up this really good quiche last night, had a salad on the side.
It was the first time I had used whipping cream [1 1/2 cups] instead of milk, makes it very rich and creamy.

For me quiche brings back memories of the Mediterranean. I had never eaten [for that matter heard of] quiche until my visit to Greece back in 1979.

It also brings back a funny memory for both Fran and I.

Back in the early 1980’s Fran was president of LIA, we had occasion to travel to Goose Bay and were staying in a friends home, lets call them Judy and Jack.
One Saturday evening we were contemplating what to have for supper, some one suggested that we cook up a quiche.
What’s a quiche asks Jack.
Judy explains the ingredients to Jack.
Jack says, I don’t want no fucking egg pie!

Only cloudy with wisps of fog this morning, wonder if the other communities are the same?

The mv Astron seems to be getting under way again, due Rigolet 12 noon ports to Nain via Goose Bay.

Wonder what freight is so important in Goose Bay?

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